La Mercerie

You know how some days just start horribly and you think the whole day is ruined. Well today was a day like that. However, it was not completely ruined after all! A nice cup of flavorful coffee and really good food can always help to make things a bit better.

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Figar 1040

What better thing to do than to start the day by having a filling breakfast than can set your mood for the rest of day. I am the biggest fan of brunches and this whole understanding of having your breakfast + coffee somewhere is so close to my mentality. Therefore, whenever I had the time I enjoy going to a nice place with friends and indulge in a great atmosphere with great tastes.


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Créme de la Créme

Today I am going to tell you about one of my recent finds in Vienna off the beaten track. I was talking to my cousin and we were wondering where should we take our weekly coffee and cake and sit down for a nice and calm chat. We see each other every other week so we always try to find a peaceful and cozy place where we can sit, catch up with each other and have an endless talk about our time at uni. Then she suggested this new place, since she always passes it by when she goes to classes. And this is how we landed in Cremé de la Cremé.

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